Monday, June 29, 2009

PODCAST: Internet Filtering and Accountability Software

Covenant Eyes - Internet Accountability and Filtering Software
Covenant Eyes accountability software monitors Internet usage and automatically emails reports to people you select. Covenant Eyes Filter Service blocks objectionable websites from your computer.

Listen Now (or right click to download)

Luke Gilkerson - Internet Community Manager

Monday, June 22, 2009

PODCAST: Breaking the Silence of Sexual Addiction

Breaking the Silence of Sexual Addiction
Deep Harbors Ministries helps the Christian Community and those afflicted with Pornography and Sexual Addiction.

Listen Now (or right click to download)

Dale and Donna Stetson - Founders of Deep Harbors Ministries

Monday, June 15, 2009

PODCAST: Recovery for Partners of Sexual Addicts - Partners in Process

Prodigals International Partners in Process Overview
The Partners in Process recovery program is designed to help partners of sexual addicts learn coping skills, share stuggles and experience healing and hope in a safe environment.

Listen Now (or right click to download)

Karen Crawford - Prodigals International Women's Ministry Director
Heather - Partners in Process

Monday, June 8, 2009

PODCAST: A Reimagined Space for Women

A Reimagined Space for Women
This program focused on the importance of women finding their voice to guard against co-dependency, perfectionism, and a diminished sense of self.

Listen Now (or right click to download)

Hillary Augustine Vandenbos, MA, MAC
Martha Hopler, MSW, MSN

Monday, June 1, 2009

PODCAST: Teens and Pornography - The Devastating Impact

Educating Parents and Teens about Pornography
Illusions is a program that offers resources for educating parents and teens about the impact of pornography.

Listen Now (or right click to download)

Jim Grenfell - Executive Director of Aware, Inc. and Program Director for Illusions.