Monday, August 31, 2009

PODCAST: Support for Partners of Sexual Addicts

Partners In Process - Support for Partners of Sexual Addicts
Three women involved in a Prodigals International Partners In Process group share how they have experienced healing through this support program.

August 31, 2009 - Listen Now (or right click to download)

Dana, Heidi and Heather

Monday, August 24, 2009

PODCAST: Christian Addiction Recovery

Christian Recovery - Honesty, Hope, and Healing for Addictions

Listen Now (or right click to download)

Dr. Dale Ryan, M.Div - CEO of Christian Recovery International and Associate Professor of Recovery Ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary.

Monday, August 17, 2009

PODCAST: Prodigals International Mentorship

Prodigals International Mentorship - Accountability and Grace
Two Prodigals International Mentors and a Mentee share their experience, strength and hope about the Homecoming Mentorship program. Mentorship is a 1:1 program that helps men through the sexual addiction recovery process. This session discusses how the program works and the life change each man has experienced through the mentorship process.

Listen Now (or right click to download)

Steve, Dave and Justin

Monday, August 10, 2009

PODCAST: Sexual Addicts Disclosure to a Partner

Disclosure - A Restorative Process for Broken Trust

Listen Now (or right click to download)

Brie Bergman, MA, LMHC, CSAT - Women's Services Director, Bellevue Community Services, Bellevue, Washington.
Dr. Bill Lennon, EdD, CMHC, CMFT - Clinical Director, Bellevue Community Services, Bellevue, Washington.

Monday, August 3, 2009

PODCAST: How to Save a Hopeless Marriage

When Love Dies - How to Save a Hopeless Marriage

Listen Now (or right click to download)

Larry Bodmer - Associate Pastor and Director of Biblical Ministries, Overlake Christian Church, Redmond, Washington

Judy Bodmer - Speaker and Author of When Love Dies.